SOA Joins Fellow Hawaii Barbershoppers for Honolulu Blend's Annual Show

Sounds of Aloha's picture

The Sounds of Aloha Chorus had a great time joining with our Hawaii sisters in song, the Sweet Adeline choruses Honolulu Blend Show Chorus (HBSC) and Na Leo Lani, in HBSC's annual show, "Happiness Is..." on October 24, 2015, at the Hawaii Theatre Center. We got to join HBSC in a great eight-part arrangement and joined both choruses for the show's finale. Also featured in the show were one of SOA's chapter quartets, 19th Avenue, and HBSC's newest quartet, Candid Connection. All in all it was an acappella extravaganza, and SOA is grateful to Honolulu Blend for putting it together!