"Friendsgiving" Dinner Cabaret! - Dec 02, 2023

Basic event info
Event date: 
Dec 2 2023 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm
St. Pius X Church, 2821 Lowrey Ave, Honolulu, 96822
Public event fields

This year the Sounds of Aloha Chorus brings back its popular dinner cabaret at a different time of year and with a new twist! Join us on Saturday, December 2, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at St. Pius X Church in Mānoa, for the first holiday concert of the season: "Friendsgiving!" This will be soon after Thanksgiving but just respectably enough into the Christmas season!

As with our past cabarets, you'll arrive to be serenaded by wandering quartets, then treated to a hearty and delicious meal -- this year, home-made gumbo with salad, bread, and dessert -- and finally entertained with a chorus and quartet performance featuring some of your favorite Christmas songs and maybe a few less familiar ones. And of course we'll have an audience sing-along. Those who have attended past Sounds of Aloha cabarets are "in the know" about what a fun time this event is!

Tickets are $25 and are available online below. Round up some friends and family to go with you!